Blogpost 7: Life Begins at 40

on Sunday, February 16, 2014

In connection with my previous post, wherein I talked about aging, in this post I will tackle about the question “when will we feel the real essence of life?” Previously, I have said that growing old cannot be avoided, and so does aging. But here’s good news, they say, life begins at 40.

Have you seen an old woman wearing makeup and is in high heels? Or an old man in a teen-like outfit? They are so amazing! Imagine, even if they are already old, they still managed to dress that way? When I got old, I will still carry my fashion taste. Yes, I’ll make sure that I’ll be looking young when that time comes. Anyway, oldies nowadays are not left behind. Of course, they are “techie” like us. They do cope with the latest fashion trends. That is what a Forty-year-old individual nowadays look like. 
There is an article entitled “Life begins at forty - and don't you forget it” by Nicole Martin. According to this article, the fourth decade indication is the beginning of the end. Hence, the life of a person starts at its fourth decade of existence. It is greatly affirmed in this article that people at age around 40 and onwards is experiencing absentmindedness, lack of attentiveness and deprived focus. 
According to Prof Keith Wesnes, from Cognitive Drug Research Ltd, a private research company in Reading, people aged between 40 and 50 were 15 per cent slower at completing simple computerized tasks than those in their twenties. Thus, people at 40 declined in working physically but not mentally. They just slowed down doing things, but they are still accurate.
"People in their forties clearly get worse at remembering, recalling and recognizing things. This can be very embarrassing when someone walks into a busy room and can't remember people's names. At this age you can't concentrate as well, and you can't focus and ignore distractions to the same extent that you used to." Wesnes said in a statement. 
It is also affirmed in the article that it is understood that as people get older their brain cells lose some of their ability to communicate with each other via chemicals called neurotransmitters. Dr James Semple, a brain specialist at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge, said that with age came experience, and a series of defense mechanisms. This is not something you should be alarmed because it is normal. 
Another article entitled, “Life really CAN begin at 40 - but only if you cut back on the booze and join the gym” by a Daily Mail Reporter. Based on this article, the saying life begins at 40 is true. For those who are practicing a healthy lifestyle. If you don’t smoke, you don’t drink too much alcohol, practice a healthy diet and exercise, it means you are living a healthy lifestyle. Hence, it will lead you to a life begins at 40.

However, Dr Siverine Sabia, study leader from the University College London, added: “Our study shows the cumulative impact of healthy behaviours on successful ageing - the greater the number of healthy behaviours, the greater the benefit.” Those oldies that are practicing a healthy lifestyle had the opportunity to enjoy their old age unlike the others who do not.
It only means that those people who are disease-free, have the rest of their lives to enjoy and feel the essence of life. Meanwhile, those who smoke and drink alcohol a lot, and lazy to have an exercise, they are the ones who will suffer when the time comes.

Personally, I understood it as our life begins at 40 since by that age, we are definitely financially stable, happy with our family, and it’s our time to enjoy our rest of our lives I think. I guess, when I get at that age, I would probably be retired already. Of course, by that time, I think I’m already a stable person. I noticed, some of our family friends, after they have given their children education, they retired from their works and now they are just enjoying their lives. That is what I want to give my parents as well. Well, each one of us, when we get old, all we want to do is just to enjoy life, right? So, if you’re living a stressful life by now, worry not because when you turn at your 40, your life begins!


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